Tips To Lose Weight

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Overcome Emotional Eating- How to Stop Binge Eating

There are methods to defeat and overcome emotional eating patterns and being very aware and conscious about your food choices is critical.  One of the best ways regarding how to stop binge eating is to think about slowing down while eating.  Focus on your food and that means not working on the computer or watching TV or reading a book.  You need 100% attention to concentrate on your sense of taste and to really enjoy the food.

A recent study reported that those that were most successful in their weight loss programs were those that kept the best records of what they ate.  This increases consciousness of the eating process and is critical for you to overcome emotional eating.  Be sure to write down after each meal what you ate, how much, how hungry you were and the feelings that surrounded each meal.   You can’t come to any solution as to how to stop binge eating unless you have a complete idea of what you are eating and why.

You need alternatives to food to overcome emotional eating habits.  In other words, when you are weighed down by stress, boredom or are just unhappy, try some of these suggestions instead of food.

•    Learn a meditation technique and practice it.

•    Go for a walk

•    Write in a diary or journal.

•    Call family or a friend to just catch up.

•    Read a book, listen to music or anything that you find relaxing other than eating.

Just remember to be mindful about your eating choices, don’t expect perfection and be patient in changing your eating habits.  Know that you can overcome emotional eating patterns.  You must start now and after you experience positive results, motivation will build.  I’ve found a plan for weight loss that complements any of the tips I give.  Click here to learn more.

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